2021-05-09 / by Tracy Ng. / in Blog, Photo Edit

Vietnam real estate photo editing: Here is what you need to accomplish your enterprise

1. Facts about real estate photo editing?

real estate photo editing

(photo collection: Vietnam real estate photo editing)

Recently, virtual staging has become a hot trend. It’s the process of staging a home virtually, wherein people add highly realistic virtual furniture, decor, and accent pieces to an image of a vacant home.
Humans are naturally visual creatures. Many of our decisions, perceptions, and judgments are based on what we can actually see. Thus, high-quality images, which are visual stimuli in the real estate industry, are important in attracting property buyers and getting them to purchase a property.Photographers bring value to real estate by capturing high-quality photos of prospective homes is a key part of the real estate selling process. This article focuses on answering commonly asked questions for those looking to enter the real estate photography business capturing static 2-D images and building an online portfolio of your own.

You likely are not surprised to learn that listings with photos get many more views that listings without, but you may be surprised to learn that adding professional photos to a real estate listing can boost online views. Especially, only 15% of properties have photos that are professionally shot helping clients find satisfied house. We’ve all heard the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” And, in real estate, pictures make a huge difference in how quickly you sell your home. Now, thanks to the continued advancement of technology, buyers can have an intimate look into your home they are interested in without ever leaving their couch. And buyers are doing their research, more now than ever before. They are filtering through sites based on location, prices, school districts, square footage, etc. Once they have narrowed down their search to their liking, they are immediately flipping through photos.

Beautify the home with additional brightness – There should be an ample amount of light in the ambiance while you are taking snaps. It is advisable to take pictures in the daylight. It adds brightness and better exposure in the photos.
In addition to real estate pictures, video can be an extremely lucrative option when pursuing a career in real estate photography. Dramatic eye-catching visuals can be created using real estate drone photography, which can help a property stand out from the pack online. Camera drones can be great for creating a virtual tour, moving through each room of a property so an online viewer can experience the space.

2. Advantages of real estate photo editing

Viet Nam real estate photo editing

(photo collection: Vietnam real estate photo editing)

A real estate agent with several properties in her hand can benefit immensely by employing professional real estate photo editing services to edit and or retouch her property images. An agent with several properties in hand would want to have images of these properties listed in a brochure or at last on her website. That way interested buyers can check out those images before contacting her. We come back full circle as we started this discussion with the importance of good images.
In this highly competitive age of Real Estate Photography, staying ahead of competition is determined by how well the Real Estate Agent presents their properties to their target audience. Inaccurate or poor pictures are the worst thing in Real Estate business; as no one will consider a deal in which the actual property lacks clarity in its presentation online.

REAL ESTATE PHOTO EDIT SERVICES: Quick Way to improve Your Image In Customer Mind

Your Clients success, the Real Estate Agent, depends largely on the quality of the properties photography! If an agent wants to remain a big player in the real estate business that is filled with aspirations, fierceness, and desire to succeed, they’ll need to rely on their photographer to provide images at their best that will attract potential buyers for that agent.
Notably, prospects are influenced by clear images that are capable of showcasing the details of properties and buildings. Great real estate photo editing will give your business as a Real Estate Photographer an edge over competitors by capturing more Real Estate Agents as clients.
According to research, the more ‘wow’ in the photo the higher the likelihood it is for a home to sell at or above the listed price which is great for the Real Estate Agent. A good picture speaks volume in creating a positive impression about the property.

3. Helping you choose “Dream House”

Are you expecting the premium price for your real estate property investment? You can surely get it with the high-quality photographs of your real estate interior and exterior. You can hire a professional photographer to click neat and sharp property pictures. It increases buyers’ interest and confidence. However, 90% of such dashing photos are the result of professional photo editing. Through real estate photos that can show the viewing homes online bear in mind that online listings can often make a home appear quite differently than what the home will look like when viewed in person. Smells, the feel and warmth that a specific home may exude in real life cannot be replicated online. Use all of our senses to assess a home that you view in person and trust your instincts.Even if you are just a home owner looking to put up your house for sale, professional real estate photo editing services is the way to go. This is even if your images were not shot by a professional real estate photographer.You can spend approximately 60% of your time just looking at listing photos online. The rest of the time (40%) is spent reading the agent’s description and listing details, a great photo in drawing attention. An excellent picture can command up to 20 seconds of attention, compared to only two seconds for a poorly-shot photo or no photo at all.It should be abundantly clear by now that getting professional real estate photos is a must. So using a professional real estate photographer should be a no-brainer. Consider which direction the house faces when scheduling a time to shoot, as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Daytime photos will require the camera to be positioned between the property and the sun, preferably preventing harsh light from entering the shot all together. With the camera in place, keep the aperture small so the depth of the field is deeper and more of the property will remain in focus.

What do you think about using real estate photo editing service in Vietnam, leave comment below to share your point